The membership committee helps welcome new and prospective members to Beth El Temple, and also plans events and outreach activities for existing members. Sound interesting? [...]
Taught by Mandy Cheskis, Director of Lifelong Learning, and Dr. Maggie Grotzinger. Thursday nights on Zoom from 8-9 pm. Please contact Patty Brown to register [...]
Gesher families (and everyone else) are invited to join us for family friendly Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6pm, followed by dinner at 7pm. Dinner is [...]
Taught by Mandy Cheskis, Director of Lifelong Learning, and Dr. Maggie Grotzinger. Thursday nights on Zoom from 8-9 pm. Please contact Patty Brown to register [...]
Services are held in person at the synagogue, and are also available on our Live Streaming page. Everyone is welcome! This week's service will be [...]
Services are held in person at the synagogue, and are also available on our Live Streaming page. Everyone is welcome! This week's service will be [...]
Taught by Mandy Cheskis, Director of Lifelong Learning, and Dr. Maggie Grotzinger. Thursday nights on Zoom from 8-9 pm. Please contact Patty Brown to register [...]
Join us for a Faith and Davy Goldsmith Scholar-in-Residence Weekend with Rabbi Daniel Nevins, including Friday night services and dinner, Saturday morning services and kiddush, [...]
Services will be led by Rabbi Capptauber and Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Daniel Nevins and held in person at the synagogue, and are also available on our [...]
Services will be led by Rabbi Capptauber and Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Daniel Nevins and held in person at the synagogue, and are also available on our [...]
This monthly kid-focused Shabbat morning (with separate programs for preschool-1st grade and 2nd-5th grade) rotates between Beth El Temple and Chisuk Emuna Congregation. Everyone is [...]
We're organizing a Beth El outing to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat live at the Whitaker Center with our own Tori Levine performing! [...]
The social action/community outreach committee pursues social justice initiatives and builds partnerships between Beth El Temple and other local interfaith and community organizations. Sound interesting? [...]
Services are led by Rabbi Capptauber and held in person at the synagogue, and are also available on our Live Streaming page. Everyone is welcome! [...]
Please join us for a special Shabbat celebrating the "Primetimers" group (Beth El's social group for active seniors 60+). All are welcome, regardless of whether [...]
This monthly kid-focused Shabbat morning (with separate programs for preschool-1st grade and 2nd-5th grade) rotates between Beth El Temple and Chisuk Emuna Congregation. Everyone is [...]